Analysis of Longitudinal Data / Analyse Longitudinaler Daten
Topic / Thema
Slides / Folien
Supplementary material / Zusatzmaterial
1. Introduction
Chapter 1
2. Exploring and displaying longitudinal data
Chapter 2
3. The longitudinal linear mixed model
Chapter 3
4. Estimation in the longitudinal LMM
Chapter 4
5. Inference in the longitudinal LMM
Chapter 5
6. Flexible extensions of the LLMM
Chapter 6
7. Model building and model choice
Chapter 7
8. Non-normal longitudinal data
Chapter 8
9. The generalized linear mixed model
Chapter 9
10. Marginal models for non-normal responses (GEE)
Chapter 10
11. Missing values
Chapter 11
12. Selected topics
Chapter 12
Exercise sheet / Übungsblatt
Solution / Lösung
Data / Daten
Supplementary material / Zusatzmaterial
Code and functions / Code und Funktionen
Sheet 1 Blatt 1
rats ,
Description rats ,
Description cd4
Code to use ,
Useful functions
Sheet 2 Blatt 2
Description rats ,
Clark_Linzer_2012 ,
Code to use ,
Useful functions
Sheet 3 Blatt 3
Useful functions
Sheet 4 Blatt 4
rats , antibiotics
Code to use , Useful functions
Sheet 5 Blatt 5
Description vitamin ,
Useful functions
Sheet 6 Blatt 6
Interpretation binary GLMM / Interpretation binäres GLMM ,
GLMM versus marginal model / GLMM versus marginales Modell
Useful functions
Sheet 7 Blatt 7
Useful functions
Primary literature / Primärliteratur :
Diggle, Heagerty, Liang, and Zeger (2002). Analysis of longitudinal data. Oxford University Press.
Fitzmaurice, Laird, Ware (2004). Applied longitudinal analysis. Wiley.
Molenberghs and Verbeke (2005). Models for Discrete Longitudinal Data. Springer.
Verbeke and Molenberghs (2000). Linear Mixed Models for Longitudinal Data. Springer.
Secondary literature / Sekundärliteratur :
Further (voluntary) reading
Deutsche Folien vom Vorjahr (nicht inhaltsgleich!)
Letzte Änderung (activated
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