Emmy Noether project Statistical
Methods for Longitudinal Functional Data
Our group was funded from 2010-2016 through the
Emmy Noether Programme of the
German Research
Foundation (DFG) as an Emmy
Noether Junior Research Group "Statistical
Methods for Longitudinal Functional Data".
Publications resulting from the project
Happ C, Greven S (2016+): Multivariate Functional Principal Component Analysis for Data
Observed on Different (Dimensional) Domains. Journal of the American Statistical Association, to appear. Preprint.
Greven S, Scheipl F (2016+): A General Framework for Functional Regression Modelling.
Invited discussion paper, to appear in Statistical Modelling.
Scheipl F, Gertheiss J, Greven S (2016): Generalized
Functional Additive Mixed Models. Electronic Journal
of Statistics, 10(1): 1455-1492.
Brockhaus S, Melcher M, Leisch F and Greven S
(2016+): Boosting flexible functional regression models with a high number of functional historical effects.
and Computing, accepted.
Scheipl F, Greven S (2016): Identifiability
in penalized function-on-function regression models. Electronic
Journal of Statistics, 10(1): 495-526.
Cederbaum J, Pouplier M, Hoole P, Greven S
Functional Linear Mixed Models for Irregularly or Sparsely
Sampled Data.
Statistical Modelling, 16(1): 67-88.
Augustin NH, Mattocks C, Faraway JJ, Greven S and
Ness AR (2016+): Modelling
a response as a function of high frequency count data: the
association between physical activity and fat mass. Statistical
Methods in Medical Research, accepted. arXiv.
Shou H, Zipunnikov V, Crainiceanu C, Greven S
(2015): Structured
Functional Principal Component Analysis. Biometrics,
71: 247-257. arXiv
Scheipl F, Staicu A-M, Greven S (2015): Functional
Additive Mixed Models. Journal of Computational
and Graphical Statistics, 24(2), 477-501. arXiv
Brockhaus S, Scheipl F, Hothorn T und Greven
S (2015): The
Functional Linear Array Model. Statistical
Modelling, 15(3): 279-300.
Ivanescu AE, Staicu A-M, Scheipl F and Greven
S (2015): Penalized
function-on-function regression. Computational
Statistics, 30(2): 539-568.
Fuchs K, Scheipl F and Greven S
(2015): Penalized
regression with Interaction Term. Computational
Statistics & Data Analysis, 81: 38-51.
Obermaier V, Scheipl F, Heumann C, Wassermann J,
Küchenhoff H (2015):
Flexible Distributed Lags for Modeling Earthquake Data.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C,
64(2): 395-412.
Zipunnikov V, Greven S,
Shou H, Caffo B, Reich D. and Crainiceanu C (2014): Longitudinal
Principal Components Analysis with Application to
Diffusion Tensor Imaging of Multiple Sclerosis. Annals
of Applied Statistics, 8(4): 2175-2202. arXiv
McLean M, Hooker G, Staicu A-M, Scheipl F and
Ruppert D (2014): Functional Generalized Additive Models. Journal
of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 23(1):
Saefken, B, Kneib, T, van Waveren, C-S and Greven S
(2014): A
Unifying Approach to the Estimation of the Conditional
Akaike Information in Generalized Linear Mixed Models.
Electronic Journal of Statistics, 8: 201-225.
Goldsmith J and Scheipl F (2013): Estimator
Selection and Combination in Scalar-on-Function
Regression. Computational Statistics and
Data Analysis, 70: 362-372.
Greven S and Crainiceanu C (2013): On
Ratio Testing for Penalized Splines. AStA Advances
in Statistical Analysis, 97(4): 387-402.
Gertheiss J, Goldsmith J, Crainiceanu C and Greven
S (2013): Longitudinal
Scalar-on-Functions Regression with Application to
Tractography Data. Biostatistics, 14(3):
447-461. Preprint.
Goldsmith J, Greven S and Crainiceanu C (2013): Corrected
Confidence Bands for Functional Data Using Principal
Components. Biometrics, 69(1): 41-51. Preprint.
Wiencierz A, Greven S and Küchenhoff H (2011): Restricted
Likelihood Ratio Testing in Linear Mixed Models with
General Error Covariance Structure. Electronic
Journal of Statistics, 5: 1718-1734.
Greven S, Dominici F and Zeger S (2011): An
to the Estimation of Chronic Air Pollution Effects Using
Spatio-Temporal Information. Journal of the
American Statistical Association, 106(494): 396–406.
Greven S, Crainiceanu C, Caffo B and Reich D
(2010): Longitudinal
Functional Principal Component Analysis. Electronic
Journal of Statistics, 4: 1022-1054. R function LFPCA
Papers in proceedings
Greven S (2015): A General Framework for
Functional Regression. Proceedings of the 30th
International Workshop on Statistical Modelling,
51-66. Eds.: Friedl H and Wagner H.
Brockhaus S, Fuest A, Mayr A and Greven S
(2015): Functional Regression Models for Location, Scale and
Shape Applied to Stock Returns. Proceedings of the 30th
International Workshop on Statistical Modelling,
117–122. Eds.: Friedl H and Wagner H.
Brockhaus S, Scheipl F, Torsten H and Greven
S (2014): The Functional Linear Array Model and an
Application to Viscosity Curves. Proceedings of the
29th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling,
63–68. Eds.: Kneib T, Sobotka F, Fahrenholz J and Irmer H.
Scheipl F, Staicu A-M and Greven S (2014):
Functional Additive Mixed Models. Proceedings of the
29th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling,
325–330. Eds.: Kneib T, Sobotka F, Fahrenholz J and Irmer H.
Cederbaum J, Greven S, Pouplier M and Hoole
P (2014): Functional Linear Mixed Model for Irregularly
Spaced Phonetics Data. Proceedings of the 29th
International Workshop on Statistical Modelling,
75–80. Eds.: Kneib T, Sobotka F, Fahrenholz J and Irmer H.
Pouplier, Hoole, Cederbaum, Greven,
Pastätter (2014): Perceptual and articulatory factors in
German fricative assimilation. Proceedings of the 10th
International Seminar on Speech Production, Cologne,
Germany, 5-8 May 2014.
Scheipl F, Staicu A-M and Greven S (2014):
Functional Additive Mixed Models. Contributions in
infinite-dimensional statistics and related topics,
257-262. Eds.: Bongiorno EG, Salinelli E, Goia A, Vieu P.
Societa Editrice Esculapio
Current preprints / technical reports / submitted
Cederbaum J, Scheipl F and Greven S: Fast symmetric additive covariance smoothing.
Rügamer D, Brockhaus S, Gentsch K, Scherer K and Greven S:
Boosting Factor-Specific Functional Historical Models for the Detection of Synchronisation in Bioelectrical Signals.
Brockhaus S, Fuest A, Mayr A, Greven S:
Signal Regression Models for Location, Scale and Shape
with an Application to Stock Returns. arXiv.
Pouplier M, Cederbaum J, Hoole P, Greven S:
Mixed modeling for functional data for research in the
speech sciences.
McLean MW, Scheipl F, Hooker G, Greven S
and Ruppert D: Bayesian
Functional Generalized Additive Models with Sparsely
Observed Covariates. arXiv.
pffr(): additive regression of
functional measurements with functional and/or scalar
covariates, included in R package refund
FDboost: regression models for
functional data, i.e., scalar-on-function, function-on-scalar
and function-on-function regression models, fitted by a
component-wise gradient boosting algorithm, see R package FDboost
funData: An S4 Class for Functional Data, provides S4 classes for univariate and multivariate functional data, covering densely or sparsely observed functional data as well as images. R package funData
MFPCA: Multivariate Functional Principal Component Analysis for Data Observed on Different Dimensional, e.g. functions and images.
R package MFPCA
cAIC4: Conditional Akaike
information criterion for lme4. R package cAIC4
Awards for scientific results
David P. Byar Young Investigator Award of the American Statistical Association, Clara Happ for Happ and Greven (2016), 2016
Best Student Paper Toyota Motor Corporation Award at the International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Sarah Brockhaus for Brockhaus, Scheipl, Hothorn and Greven (2014), 2014
Gustav Adolf Lienert Award of the International Biometric Society - German Region, Jan Gertheiss for Gertheiss, Goldsmith, Crainiceanu and Greven (2013), 2013
2 DAGStat poster awards, Jona Cederbaum and Karen Fuchs, 2013
ENAR Distinguished Student Paper Award and ASA Biometric Section Travel Award, Jeff Goldsmith for Goldsmith, Greven and Crainiceanu (2013), 2012
Wolfgang Wetzel Award of the German Statistical Society, Sonja Greven, 2012
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